I entered into a lease 1 year ago for my business. A 3 year with a 2 year option. I was verbally told that the space was 1000 sq feet. On the fire marshalls report, it shows the space as only being 892 sq feet. My rent went up after one year to 850 a month. Nowhere in this lease does it say the size of the property. But I am a little upset considering the amount of rent I am paying for the size of the property. I also pay all the bills except for water...and just found out that I am responsible for the air conditioner that is not working on the top of his building. I know this may seen really stupid, but I feel like I was taken advantage of in a vulnerable and desperate position. We have had a number of problems with the building over the last year. I dont know if I have any legal recourse, but I didn't know if a judge would decide if the contract was unreasonable. Thanks for any help.