TN - I bought a tv online in Dec. When it arrived, it didn't work. After dealing with the shipping company, they finally got with the seller and sent me a new tv. The new tv arrived on Jan 10 (it works) but the shipping forgot to issue a pick up order for the defective tv and the shipping company rep wouldn't take it without a written order. I called the comany the following day and they said that they would send someone out to get the tv. I called the following seek and they said they didn't have a record of it but would send someone out. The following week (Fri) I called and they said someone would call me back. I called again on Monday and they told me the same thing. I called one more time and theywere supposed to return my call. That was about three weeks ago. I want to dispose of the tv myself but I don't want them to come back on me in six months and say I owe them a tv. How long do I have to morally and/or ethically wait before I can dispose of the defective set as I choose and not worry about any negative consequences?