Junior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? VA
In my custody agreement we have the clause that neither party has the opposite sex spend the night while our child is present. My fiancé, now husband, spent the night several occasions and my ex is taking me to court for contempt of our agreement. At the time I resided w/ my parents whom own the house and this is where we all spent the night. Could I have this dismissed on the basis that my parents allowed him to stay the night at their house? My ex filed in early July and we were married July 25th, 2014. I don't know what evidence he has to prove that my husband spent the night other than a text, never admitting to my husband sleeping there, and possible pictures of his vehicle parked outside all night. Would I be able to file something that gave me privy to his evidence? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
In my custody agreement we have the clause that neither party has the opposite sex spend the night while our child is present. My fiancé, now husband, spent the night several occasions and my ex is taking me to court for contempt of our agreement. At the time I resided w/ my parents whom own the house and this is where we all spent the night. Could I have this dismissed on the basis that my parents allowed him to stay the night at their house? My ex filed in early July and we were married July 25th, 2014. I don't know what evidence he has to prove that my husband spent the night other than a text, never admitting to my husband sleeping there, and possible pictures of his vehicle parked outside all night. Would I be able to file something that gave me privy to his evidence? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!