Whole point is it doesn't matter whether it's "considered" income somewhere or not? When certifying for government sponsored income based programs, you must tell them to the best of your abilities about all your income, what you have lived on for the designated time period. I spent many years taking incomes for various income based programs. Our least favorite clients were those who came in and simply claimed to have been living on absolutely NOTHING for the past 6 months or the previous year. We'd have to dig, dig, dig harder to obtain tax records, check stubs, rent and utilities records, bank statements, and eventually pry some source of support from them (undeclared illegal income was usually the answer) but we were not able to certify anyone as low income unless they had some believable legitimate source of income in a sufficient amount to reasonably have supported them to some extent. Yes, this made it very tough for people who were extremely indigent and they didn't usually have good paperwork, either. And people who were living by stealing, prostitutes, moonshiners, drug dealers, etc. But we're not talking about whether or not it's considered income, the program, in order to appropriately and accurately certify him needs to know about everything he can think of and they'll decide what's includable.