I sighned a contract with on online publishing company agreeing to sell them a book I had written. The contract was mailed back to me so I do have a copy of it. That was in March. A few weeks later I recieved an e-mail stating that a new editor had been hired and he wasn't happy with the punctuation of the story. I asked what was wrong since the last editor didn't have a problem. He became some what rude with me and demanded that I take my story back. I responded with the fact that I already have a legal and binding contract saying the book was going to be published, if there was something wrong with the story itself I would gladly assist in making changes. He went on to inform me that he hadn't bothered to read the entire story, He was to worried about my puncuation. He then offered to make the changes needed and send forth each chapter to see if I approved. That was may and I have yet to hear anything from this "great" editor. My question is, should I ask for my story back should I be able to get a hold of them. The contract was only good for one year and that will be up in a few more months. Do they have to pay me anything for the time and inconvience? I mean had I known I was going to be treated this way and be given the brush off I would have tried to sell it else where. Can I still try to have it sold else where since they are not doing anything with it?
Thank you for any advise you can give.
Thank you for any advise you can give.