We have found ourselves in a horrible situation. At the beginning of last December we started to remodel our bathroom. The floor in the hallway next to the bathroom sank down a little bit, so we contacted our insurance company who O.K.ed the local contractor we presented to them for the needed repair. Our insuance company struck a deal with the contractor for the amount of repairs and issued a check for 2,750.00 and we paid the other 250.00 for deductable. The contractor jacked up our home and now our foundation is cracking, our walls have cracked, the roof leaks, along with damage too numorous to list. It was determined by a structural engineer that the contractor was at fault and created the extra damage. The contractor showed us an insuance policy to show he was licenced and insured, but now he claims he dosn't have insurance. We have moved out of the home because we feel it isn't safe, we are living in a camper in our yard and our kids have to stay at their grandmothers due to lack of room. Our Insurance company hasn't tried to help us resolve this.
We need our home back, or another home to live in and run our business from. Should our insurance company be responsable for our home, and then they go after the contractor? What rights do we have? Please help, we are desparate to get our lives back to normal. We have had alot of our belongings stolen and vandalized also.We live in Libby, Montana. Thank You for your time.
Rucker's Family Plumbing
Joel and Renee' Rucker Jr.
310 Dakota Avenue
Libby,Montana 59923
406-293-7846 Cell: 406-293-1105
[email protected]
We have found ourselves in a horrible situation. At the beginning of last December we started to remodel our bathroom. The floor in the hallway next to the bathroom sank down a little bit, so we contacted our insurance company who O.K.ed the local contractor we presented to them for the needed repair. Our insuance company struck a deal with the contractor for the amount of repairs and issued a check for 2,750.00 and we paid the other 250.00 for deductable. The contractor jacked up our home and now our foundation is cracking, our walls have cracked, the roof leaks, along with damage too numorous to list. It was determined by a structural engineer that the contractor was at fault and created the extra damage. The contractor showed us an insuance policy to show he was licenced and insured, but now he claims he dosn't have insurance. We have moved out of the home because we feel it isn't safe, we are living in a camper in our yard and our kids have to stay at their grandmothers due to lack of room. Our Insurance company hasn't tried to help us resolve this.
We need our home back, or another home to live in and run our business from. Should our insurance company be responsable for our home, and then they go after the contractor? What rights do we have? Please help, we are desparate to get our lives back to normal. We have had alot of our belongings stolen and vandalized also.We live in Libby, Montana. Thank You for your time.
Rucker's Family Plumbing
Joel and Renee' Rucker Jr.
310 Dakota Avenue
Libby,Montana 59923
406-293-7846 Cell: 406-293-1105
[email protected]