Do we have to pay? We are a business in California, and the contract was written in Connecticutt. We contracted to use exhibit space at a local convention center for a trade show/conference. When we contracted for the space, we were hyped up because of the success of the show we had just finished. Needless to say, the business we are in did not flourish in the following months (Internet) and we cancelled the space for the next show. The company is now trying to force us to pay the entire amount of the space rental for space we did not use at a trade show we did not exhibit at. Can we be held to this contract? Our correspondence from them at the time we cancelled said that "Any space with a balance remaining after this date will be removed from the floor plan." They removed us from the plan and from the listing of exhibitors. Also, when we appeared the first time, we registered late and were given space that someone else had cancelled.