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Correct forum for wrongful fines, punishments, imposed by gov't w/o trial?

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Junior Member
I apologize if this is the wrong place but I am looking for advice regarding a courthouse who, after I paid my fine and received a serially numbered receipt stating that my balance is 0.00$, sent me to collections saying I still owe them. They have damaged my credit and now I find that my license has been suspended for failure to pay the fine that I have already paid. Before I go any further, does this forum fit my problem or is there another, more suitable section? If it's a tossup, please point me toward the more popular forum.

Many Thanks


Senior Member
Do you have any receipts? Did you pay by check or credit card? If so, you may be able to get the proof you need.

Take this matter up with the local court. If they can find a record of your payment, then this should all go away.


Junior Member
Do you have any receipts? Did you pay by check or credit card? If so, you may be able to get the proof you need.

Take this matter up with the local court. If they can find a record of your payment, then this should all go away.
As I said earlier, I have a serially numbered statement from the courthouse saying I owe 0.00$ for my case. I have not had any other cases.

Take the matter up with the local court? Does that mean I should bring a suit in a local court against the courthouse or the State for.... Defamation of Character? Saying in writing that I owe nothing and then ruining my credit by sending me to collections? Suspending my license for no reason? I mean, these things are illegal aren't they?

If my company creates a document saying that someone owes us nothing and afterward we inform credit bureaus that he never paid, can't he sue me?


Junior Member
.....and thank you for the replies. If I seem agitated, it's just the situation I've been forced into. Please don't take offense.


Senior Member
try explaining the situation. You bringing up that

serially numbered statement from the courthouse saying I owe 0.00$ for my case
throws all sorts of red flags.

is the receipt correct? Is it on a stolen form? Did you actually pay the fines is represents? Is the amount claimed owed exactly that shown as paid on your serially numbered statement from the courthouse saying you owe 0.00$?

have you spoken to anybody at the court about this? and their response?


Senior Member
Do you have any receipts? Did you pay by check or credit card? If so, you may be able to get the proof you need.

Take this matter up with the local court. If they can find a record of your payment, then this should all go away.
Oh boy; I'll assume that the OP paid all he owed & then this happened; what can he do? He should call the DMV and see what the procedures are to re-instate his license. If none, then he has no administrative review process to go through. Then, w/o another recourse (he could try his state senator/rep to help??) he would need to file a writ of (mandamus?) ? to order the state to re-instate his license & correct the records needing correcting. I would contact the court too & see exactly what your "serial #" reciept means .. may mean zip.
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Junior Member
try explaining the situation. You bringing up that

throws all sorts of red flags.

is the receipt correct? Is it on a stolen form? Did you actually pay the fines is represents? Is the amount claimed owed exactly that shown as paid on your serially numbered statement from the courthouse saying you owe 0.00$?

have you spoken to anybody at the court about this? and their response?
Is the receipt correct?
A= From my point of view? Yes. The couthouse still has a collections out for me in the amount of the original fine. It's difficult to say it's "correct" while I am still suffering the penalties of not paying it, even though I did.

Is it on a stolen form?
A= All of the receipts are just documents printed on regular printer paper. The only verifiable markings on them are receipt and case numbers, my name, the courthouse name and the amounts paid and due. I have no way of knowing if they stole the paper they printed it on or not.

Did you actually pay the fines is represents?
A= Yes.

Is the amount claimed owed exactly that shown as paid on your serially numbered statement from the courthouse saying you owe 0.00$?
A= Did I pay the full amount when I received this receipt? No. I have other receipts for the other payments I made.

have you spoken to anybody at the court about this? and their response?
A= I was first made aware of this problem when I received a collections notice from (the Dept of Revenue? I'll have to check the exact name) in the mail. I called them 2 weeks ago. I told them I had paid this off, I told them I have a receipt showing this fact and gave them the serial number so they could verify its authenticity with the couthouse. I still have a collection out on me. They said I needed to call the courthouse. I did immediately after hanging up the phone. I spent 45min on hold, with breaks where the lady supposedly assisting me would pop back in and ask a few questions. In the end she told me that my name and another person's name had all of the same info- SS#, license, plates, address, etc. The only difference was the last name. She said that she would need to get ahold of the DMV records to do anything about the problem and said they should have them in a couple days. After about 2 weeks, I called yesterday and got a different clerk. I went through another hour of questions and being on hold, to hear that they would need to get the records from the DMV and that would take a couple days. They don't know what happened the last time they requested them. I called the DMV almost two weeks ago after talking to the courthouse and they said I need to sort it out with the court. They will continue to suspend my license until the court says the debt is paid.

"You bringing up that throws all sorts of red flags."
- Should I not tell people about my receipts and just keep that information to myself? I don't want to ruin any case I may have. I already told the dept of revenue clerk the receipt's serial number.


Junior Member
I would contact the court too & see exactly what your "serial #" reciept means .. may mean zip.
By giving the court clerk the serial number, he was able to print a copy of the receipt (in person at courthouse last week, I had three witnesses with me). I wanted to make sure that the court will verify that they made this statement to me, in writing, on the printed date and they did. So the receipt number is the only important part of the receipt. I can tear it to shreds and as long as I have my number, the courthouse computer system will verify everything it said.

I won't actually tear up my receipt.


Junior Member
You are avoiding the question. acting in a deceptive or elusive manner doesn't help you or your problem.

I am not avoiding the question. You asked if the receipt was correct. How can an object be "correct?" Please let me know what makes an object correct or incorrect and I will tell you which it is. Now, if you were trying to ask, "is the information on the receipt correct?" The answer to that question is that all of the information except the balance due is undisputed. However, the balance due is being disputed by the government. So, there are two different answers to your question, depending on if you ask me or the government. Because there are two separate answers, I have to point out which you are receiving- my point of view or the government's.

The other one of my answers that you found confusing, is only confusing because it answers a confusing question. Here was your question:

Is the amount claimed owed exactly that shown as paid on your serially numbered statement from the courthouse saying you owe 0.00$?

Now, I did my best to understand your use of the language-
"Is the amount claimed owed exactly that shown as paid"
I'm sure people will agree that this is a little hard to understand. When you say, "the amount claimed owed," are you referring to the amount that I claim to currently owe (0$), the amount that the government claims I currently owe (xxxx$) or the amount the receipt claims I owe (0$)? When you say, "exactly that shown as paid," do you mean, "exactly the amount shown as paid on this particular receipt?"

If you were trying to say, "Is the amount that the government claims I currently owe exactly the same as the amount shown as paid on your serially numbered statement from the courthouse saying you owe 0.00$," then I answered that with my reply, "No. I have other receipts for the other payments I made."

The wife is home so I'll have to explain the rest that you don't understand later, but I'll definately be back on by the morning. Thank you everyone for reading.

I will be happy to answer any questions that don't provide personal information and I will be just as happy to explain my answers. That said, anyone who stops by not to ask questions or give advice, but to criticize my attempts at providing the information I was asked for, is not welcome and I ask you to please leave my thread.

Thank You
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Junior Member
I am not playing any games, I am answering your questions honestly as completely as I am able and then explaining both your question and the answers to you when you don't understand them.

I do appreciate you ending your unconstructive criticism, though, as well as deleting that post. So thank you.

If anyone has any advice to offer in this matter, or would like any part of this situation clarified, please let me know.



Senior Member
I am not playing any games, I am answering your questions honestly as completely as I am able and then explaining both your question and the answers to you when you don't understand them.

I do appreciate you ending your unconstructive criticism, though, as well as deleting that post. So thank you.

If anyone has any advice to offer in this matter, or would like any part of this situation clarified, please let me know.


It sound like everybody at the court is being as helpful as they can be, thats good news for you. Maybe you can contact your state rep & tell him your story .. he may be able to get the DMV to respond to the court faster. I hope you kept records of who you contacted with dates & notes.


Senior Member
, after all of your games, is simply sounds like you wrote some bad checks to the court and are trying to use your
serially numbered receipt stating that my balance is 0.00$
as evidence that you did in fact pay your debts. Apparently they only accept good checks as payment so your receipt is meaningless. They presumed your checks were good.

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