California. Hi guys. I was wondering what I should do. A couple of weeks ago I posted an add on Craigslist to sell come concert tickets, three for $240. I was in San Diego at the time, but most of the year I live in Sonoma County. Well, someone contacted me for the tickets and this was someone who lives down the street from me and goes to the same university. He could not pay the full price until September 1st, but he seem like an o.k. guy so I said just pay me the full price when I come back to town. So, I mailed him the tickets and now that September 1st is approaching I have been trying to contact him with no success.
I have the emails that we sent back and forth as well as his parents address and his home address. Where should I go from here if I cannot get ahold of him and collect my money?
Thanks for any help guys.
I have the emails that we sent back and forth as well as his parents address and his home address. Where should I go from here if I cannot get ahold of him and collect my money?
Thanks for any help guys.