I am in the State of Florida. I have sold 2 Nintendo Wiis, Wiiplay, and a few controllers to a couple that inquired about my ad on craigslist. We met up in a 24 hour Walmart Parking lot, which was well lit. This guy insisted on paying with a check and I told him I am wary of accepting checks so he wrote his drivers licence number down on the check for $800. He is from IL and was driving a black mustang GT with him and his girlfriend, both blondes, probably in their mid 20s or so. They provided me with both of their cell phone numbers, which appear to still be active. So, the next day I go and cash the check and I've asked the bank is this a legit check and they said yeah, so I cashed it. A week later I got a notice in the mail stating that there was NSF, so I'm like wtf. So, I've been trying to get a hold of both of them with no answer. So, this is where I stand now, and I've occurred overdraft fees and whatnot....I need some help here. This looks like this might be a small claims court, getting a lawyer involved would probably eat away the money....HELP!