Junior Member
Am renting a commercial property in NC. We were told by landlord and allowed to build a wooden fenced in the area directly behind our rented free standing building for picnic tables and benches for customers. We share a parking lot with owner who has a restaurant business in another building on the property that he owns. Upon completion of play area the landlord informs us that we are not paying enough rent to use that area and he will have a new lease drawn up to cover the extra space. He does this after we have expended a ton of money setting this all up with him often coming over to see the progress. The new lease which he wants us to sign is twice the rent and becomes effective now, which is in the middle of our one year lease. We told him we will not sign it and will vacate his property at the end of our lease. He has now put up no parking signs all around the property with the exception of the three spots right beside the building we rent. He has called the police on us when our employees disregarded the signs. The police laughed it off, but his harassment is hurting our business. As a side note, we had the fire department and a town inspector show up this week for more inspections on us. The building has a ton of electrical issues that we are being forced to upgrade for the last 6 months that we are in business here. The latest action from this landlord was the eviction letter that he sent certified mail this week. Supposedly we have violated the lease in some way but as of yet we can't figure it out. He also claims when he evicts us we will still owe all the rent. Bottom line here is he is slightly unbalanced and we think it bothers him that we are very busy and making money. He goes on profanity laced rants about how we are disrespecting him and his business, but we don't know why? Do we have any recourse against this person?