What is the name of your state? MN
We wanted to find local crime statistics (easy- just look up the town)
...of a certain apartment complex we were looking to buy.
(not so easy to do on the internet, from what we've found!)
our town is 125,000+ people, streched over millions of acres, so local statistics do us no good!
We know there are "Bad Districts" and good ones... and we heard from friends at work, that this Apt had a lot of crime for the past 2 years,
but it's cleaned up its act (Supposedly)
most crime data out there is from '05 ... we need to know what's going on as of '06 +'07!
i figured You guys are the experts!
Let me know what you think of, Thanks!
God Bless!
We wanted to find local crime statistics (easy- just look up the town)
...of a certain apartment complex we were looking to buy.
(not so easy to do on the internet, from what we've found!)
our town is 125,000+ people, streched over millions of acres, so local statistics do us no good!
We know there are "Bad Districts" and good ones... and we heard from friends at work, that this Apt had a lot of crime for the past 2 years,
but it's cleaned up its act (Supposedly)
most crime data out there is from '05 ... we need to know what's going on as of '06 +'07!
i figured You guys are the experts!
Let me know what you think of, Thanks!
God Bless!