A "friend" of ours is selling his home. We find out after he has hired realtor. We had pre approval for morgage and seller wants to dump realtor because we did not use the realtor. He attempts to dump realtor because he showed us the house on his own and we had preapproval. Tries to get rid of realtor, no success, but instead of 6% commission, realtor agrees to 1200.00 total costs to seller if we go through realtor. We agree. My husband and I meet realtor Saturday he draws up "Standard Agreement For the Sale of Real Estate" and we sign and initail. We need FHA to cover closing costs and the realtor sends to anther lender to get approvl and poss. lwr intrst rate. With no immediate $ down he says Judgement note in the amount of 2000.00 will sufise as we agreed with seller. This will take place Monday and he will call. No call Monday I call he says no response yet frm his lender. Tuesday no call..being patient. Wed morning 9am we are approved through his lender the day before, just no time to call, we need $5500.00 down, we call 1 hr later to say no problem. no realtor, lving messages. 5pm his secretary calls and says seller takes other offer and papers are signed that day at 2pm and seller is getting 3000.00 less for property b/c realtor is getting his 6%. I live in PA, can this happen even after we have signed this agreement for purchase??? Come 60 days we have no place to live, gave landlord 60 day notice and he has new renter frm a waiting list.