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curiosity about cousin marriage :)

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? georgia

so. 2 of my cousins want to get married. all our dads are brothers. so they're discussing marriage...they've been "together" for about a year or so. while this was a little crazy at the beginning, after all the crap they've been through with others, we figure wth, it's their life. it's not hurting us...and my boy cousin had a hernia when we were kids, which keeps him from having kids.

anyways...she doesn't have access to the internet, so i thought i'd post the question OF:

we know GA allows first-cousin marriages. ok, fine, great...however, HE is in the army...he says he has checked and this is still ok, if it's not double-cousins? and she wants to know where that is, as she doesn't want any trouble with his career.

thanks in advance :) and i know some will be a little judgemental about this. and i understand. but at the same time, to each his own, ya know?


Senior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? georgia

so. 2 of my cousins want to get married. all our dads are brothers. so they're discussing marriage...they've been "together" for about a year or so. while this was a little crazy at the beginning, after all the crap they've been through with others, we figure wth, it's their life. it's not hurting us...and my boy cousin had a hernia when we were kids, which keeps him from having kids.

anyways...she doesn't have access to the internet, so i thought i'd post the question OF:

we know GA allows first-cousin marriages. ok, fine, great...however, HE is in the army...he says he has checked and this is still ok, if it's not double-cousins? and she wants to know where that is, as she doesn't want any trouble with his career.

thanks in advance :) and i know some will be a little judgemental about this. and i understand. but at the same time, to each his own, ya know?

Georgia doesn't - as a simple Google search will confirm - prevent 1st cousins from marrying.

Tell you what though. Next time, have one of the actual parties sign up and ask their questions. :cool:

(And...judgmental? Sweetheart, I'm British.... :cool: :D)

(And lest some gnubee wants to stick their nose in - go look for yourself: http://www.ncsl.org/default.aspx?tabid=4266


Junior Member
They are not double cousins, so there is no issue. It is legal in many states to marry a cousin. By the way, there is no problem with having kids, it is not that close of a relationship and it takes generations of intermarriage for problems to arise. It is an urban myth that children coming from cousins will have problems...


Senior Member
and a hernia does not prevent you from having children...especially if it was a hiatal hernia.

Double Cousins
If two siblings in one family marry two siblings from another, and each couple has a child, these children are double cousins. The addition of the word double to the first cousin term is the result of the number of common grandparents they have. Regular first cousins share only one set of common ancestors, while double first cousins share all lineal and collateral relatives
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Senior Member
Not wanting to rock the boat, but inguinal hernia repair can result in infertility.

have a rate of incidence? I would suspect it was extremely low.

as well, there is a possibility of infertility even without the repair (which of course makes my original statement false) but due to the extremely low rate of such a complication, I am more comfortable saying it doesn't cause infertility than it does.

but if you notice, I said it doesn't prevent one from having children. If you want to be very literal, that could mean one could still adopt but even if speaking of impregnating a woman, there are means to extract sperm from a testes so the damaged vas deferens issue might still be overcome. That reduces it to about the only way it would prevent one from biologically fathering children would be is if the testes were damaged and unable to produce sperm.

dang Pro, you know I don't give up that easily.;)


Senior Member
They are not double cousins, so there is no issue. It is legal in many states to marry a cousin. By the way, there is no problem with having kids, it is not that close of a relationship and it takes generations of intermarriage for problems to arise. It is an urban myth that children coming from cousins will have problems...
That is not true. Genetics doesn't work that way.

It all comes down to a matter of probabilities. Take a recessive disease which is fairly uncommon in the population - say 1% of the population has this disease. And let's say it's a recessive disease (which is the most common of the serious genetic diseases).

Now, if two unrelated individuals procreate and one is a known carrier, then there is a 1% chance that the offspring will be affected.

However, if first cousins procreate and one is a known carrier, then there is a 25% chance that the first cousin has the defective gene - so a 12.5% chance that any given child will have the disease.

It is true that no one can say that children of first cousins WILL have problems, but the probability goes up significantly for close relations. Keep in mind that the above is just for one gene. If you have TWO recessive genes in a family (not at all uncommon), the odds go up by about 75% to around 20% (not double, though).

From a medical/health perspective, it's not a good idea. From a legal perspective, it is clearly dependent on the state - and it's OK in Georgia.


Junior Member
the nernia thing-----idk his exact medical documents.....HOWEVER, whatever had happened, he has had several "2nd opinions", and they all state he is sterile...it's like, he's going to war, with a $1 cap gun from the dollar store :) worst case scenario, he pinches his finger with the trigger:D

otherwise, georgia DOES allow cousin marriages :)

Georgia Marriage License Requirements

you do have to look for it, but it is legal...

and NO, by all means, i'm not bothered by it...at first, alot of us were questioning things, but they really seem to care about each other, and honestly i think they are very level-headed on things...

she has no access to the internet at this point. she does not live with me, therefore i asked on her behalf...

the ONLY thing anyone is worried about, is wether or not the military will honor this marriage. we can't find anything that condones or prohibits it in the military. SHE is concerned that if anyone in the military were to learn they are related, it will cause issues for him, especially those who only wish to judge them...

so, my question was mainly about the army, and whether the military will allow/recognize their marriage :)


Senior Member
the nernia thing-----idk his exact medical documents.....HOWEVER, whatever had happened, he has had several "2nd opinions", and they all state he is sterile...it's like, he's going to war, with a $1 cap gun from the dollar store :) worst case scenario, he pinches his finger with the trigger:D

otherwise, georgia DOES allow cousin marriages :)

Georgia Marriage License Requirements

you do have to look for it, but it is legal...

and NO, by all means, i'm not bothered by it...at first, alot of us were questioning things, but they really seem to care about each other, and honestly i think they are very level-headed on things...

she has no access to the internet at this point. she does not live with me, therefore i asked on her behalf...

the ONLY thing anyone is worried about, is wether or not the military will honor this marriage. we can't find anything that condones or prohibits it in the military. SHE is concerned that if anyone in the military were to learn they are related, it will cause issues for him, especially those who only wish to judge them...

so, my question was mainly about the army, and whether the military will allow/recognize their marriage :)


Have a great night.

All of you.


Senior Member
the nernia thing-----idk his exact medical documents.....HOWEVER, whatever had happened, he has had several "2nd opinions", and they all state he is sterile...it's like, he's going to war, with a $1 cap gun from the dollar store :) worst case scenario, he pinches his finger with the trigger:D

otherwise, georgia DOES allow cousin marriages :)

Georgia Marriage License Requirements

you do have to look for it, but it is legal...

and NO, by all means, i'm not bothered by it...at first, alot of us were questioning things, but they really seem to care about each other, and honestly i think they are very level-headed on things...

she has no access to the internet at this point. she does not live with me, therefore i asked on her behalf...

the ONLY thing anyone is worried about, is wether or not the military will honor this marriage. we can't find anything that condones or prohibits it in the military. SHE is concerned that if anyone in the military were to learn they are related, it will cause issues for him, especially those who only wish to judge them...

so, my question was mainly about the army, and whether the military will allow/recognize their marriage :)
Whether Georgia allows that kind of marriage or not, a lot of people are going to judge them in their lifetimes. Many people are going to view them as having an incestuous relationship. There is really no way around that.


Senior Member
As we say in West Virginia, you can divorce her, but she's still your sister.

I have a friend who is marrying his cousin. I keep making obscure references to Shelbyville around him. I'm still not sure about going to family reunions looking to pick up women.

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