[email protected]
i live in ca. my wife and i seperated a few years ago at which time i was working.she took off with the 2 kids while i was at work,checked into a battered womens shelter, and filed seperation papers citing verbal and physical abuse of her and kids and drug abuse (falsely).my wife is from the philippines with only 2 cousins in southern ca.she was unemployed at the time and requested custody on grounds that without it she would have no choice but to move back to philippines and not be able to be part of kids lives and so she could get on public assistance which was granted.we have since dropped court orders but she is now threatening to file papers again except that the situation is reversed with one exception.i have family in area but they are unwilling to let me move in and i am unemployed due to a physical disability that i am applying for ssi for at present.my question:would i be able to gain custody on same grounds she did?