Bought a Very expensive manufactured home from Fortune home out of White Pigen, MI. We bought this house thru Bay Area Homes in Abrams WI. One half of our house came in, and we were told the driver of the other truck took a wrong turn and would be in, in a few days or so. When the second half came in, we went out to inspect it, but were not allowed to. We were told there was nothing to see, and since we were in a "hurry" to have our house set up on our basement, we should sign papers and pay for it. When it was being set up, we noticed all the damage. We were told that it was just "surface damage", nothing serious. Since we had this company checked out, and were told it was ok, we trusted them. BIG MISTAKE!! We have so much damage and trouble it is unbeliveable!! Thank heavens we took pictures. We called in the Dept. of Commerce of WI. and they inspected it. They said it was damaged also. Do you think that we should try to fight this on our own or get a lawyer. We have been fighting and getting no where. It is just that we will be charged $150.00 or more an hour plus a retainer fee. Do not have that kind of money and would have to borrow it. What should I do. We have a $125,000 house morage on a house that we cannot sell right now.