New Jersey. A month ago a Nissan dealer sold a used car that had a lien from the previous owner (Chase Bank). When buying the car my financing bank was Sovereign Bank. The dealer didnt let me know of any lien, and yesterday morning i wake up and the car was gone from my driveway. Is it legal for a dealer to sell a car with a lien? I work for Navy and i couldnt get into the base with temp expired so i went through 2 weeks of hell. When i asked the dealer for a temp. they said it was illegal for them to assign a new temp, even after explaining my situation to them. They kept telling me DMV was taking time in issuing my plates/registration because its a used vehicle. What can i claim for? i want to hit them where it hurts for making me go through 2 weeks of hell and not telling me the truth. My car is gone/ my down payment they still have/ First loan payment is due June 22. Please help. Thanks so much