Purchased a car from a private seller listed on craigslist, car came with original key and a clear blue texas title. Ran carfax and it come up clean, also ran vin for theft and the car was not reported stolen. Ran into problems with title transfer, title office said I would need to get a bonded title, bond company stated title was not original. Had local law enforcement run the VIN and VIN came up clean. Did some research and found the same car (matching vin) listed online thru a car dealer. Spoke with local law enforcement auto theft detective and told him my story, he called the dealer to verify what was going on and come to find out the car was stolen off of the dealers lot and the dealer had no clue that the car was missing. Dealer then filed a report with their local law enforcement and I handed the car over to my local law enforcement. I spoke with the manager at the dealership who filed the police report and asked him that how did they not know the car was missing off of their lot for almost over a week and the managers response was "well we have over 200 cars on our lot and have car theft about once a month" would this not be negligence on the dealerships part? I bought the car with a title, original keys and ran carfax and vin and everything had shown up clean at the time of purchase. Can I sue the dealership for negligence because it seems like they encourage thieves to steal from their lot because by the time that dealership realizes the car is missing of their lot its probably already sold by the thief to someone like me.
P.S. The only reason the dealer found out that the car was missing off the lot was because of me. And this is almost a week after I bought the car, and who knows how long before the car was actually stolen off the lot!
Purchased a car from a private seller listed on craigslist, car came with original key and a clear blue texas title. Ran carfax and it come up clean, also ran vin for theft and the car was not reported stolen. Ran into problems with title transfer, title office said I would need to get a bonded title, bond company stated title was not original. Had local law enforcement run the VIN and VIN came up clean. Did some research and found the same car (matching vin) listed online thru a car dealer. Spoke with local law enforcement auto theft detective and told him my story, he called the dealer to verify what was going on and come to find out the car was stolen off of the dealers lot and the dealer had no clue that the car was missing. Dealer then filed a report with their local law enforcement and I handed the car over to my local law enforcement. I spoke with the manager at the dealership who filed the police report and asked him that how did they not know the car was missing off of their lot for almost over a week and the managers response was "well we have over 200 cars on our lot and have car theft about once a month" would this not be negligence on the dealerships part? I bought the car with a title, original keys and ran carfax and vin and everything had shown up clean at the time of purchase. Can I sue the dealership for negligence because it seems like they encourage thieves to steal from their lot because by the time that dealership realizes the car is missing of their lot its probably already sold by the thief to someone like me.
P.S. The only reason the dealer found out that the car was missing off the lot was because of me. And this is almost a week after I bought the car, and who knows how long before the car was actually stolen off the lot!