What is the name of your state? TX
I had a credit card that was charged off (original charge off $4000 in 12/2002) and is now in collections. Before it went to collections I was working with them to get it paid down, and had the balance down to $2900 as of 10/2003 but was unable to pay anymore. It is now with a collection firm that I have heard nightmares about. I know the SOL is Texas is 4 years. Does that start from the time it was originally charged off in 2002? It had been charged off multiple times since then, the last being 10/2003. The only reason I know is because of my credit report. I want to work with them but I can barely afford to live (I have a wife and a daughter with another on the way). I can't find any paperwork from them showing the debt had been transfered or taken up by them. Can the collector report on my credit or just the original creditor? What are the chances that they would take me to court over this amount? They have been constantly calling, blocking their caller id and not leaving messages. The other day they left me a message saying this is about my home. I know they cannot touch my house or my wages.
I had a credit card that was charged off (original charge off $4000 in 12/2002) and is now in collections. Before it went to collections I was working with them to get it paid down, and had the balance down to $2900 as of 10/2003 but was unable to pay anymore. It is now with a collection firm that I have heard nightmares about. I know the SOL is Texas is 4 years. Does that start from the time it was originally charged off in 2002? It had been charged off multiple times since then, the last being 10/2003. The only reason I know is because of my credit report. I want to work with them but I can barely afford to live (I have a wife and a daughter with another on the way). I can't find any paperwork from them showing the debt had been transfered or taken up by them. Can the collector report on my credit or just the original creditor? What are the chances that they would take me to court over this amount? They have been constantly calling, blocking their caller id and not leaving messages. The other day they left me a message saying this is about my home. I know they cannot touch my house or my wages.