Hi. I live in New Jersey. I have a debt on my credit cards. Five months ago, I gave debt consolitation a try. I am paying them a service fee, while they try to settle my debt amount. They are supposed to reduce my debt 40%-60% of the total amount. This month is the last month in which I have to wait for a settlement. But in the mean time, my creditor is using a lawyer to collect money for the debt. They have been calling me everyday at least 2 times a day. The lawyer from my creditor keeps telling me that my debt consolidation company is not going to do anything for us. The lawyer told me that I have to start paying, or they will put a lien on my house for not paying. My debt consolidation company told me since the debt is not secure, the creditor can not put a lien on my house. I would like to know what I can do about this situation, and which one is telling me the truth. My debt consolidation company or my creditor's lawyer? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.