What is the name of your state? texas, is our home im disabled with a neuromuscklar disease, we had bought a house on the water and worked on it and loved it! i was unable to continue to keep upkeep on our home,my husband works as much as possible to pay medical bills. we put it on the market, and a single female wanted it, immediatly!, only wanting to pay 2,000 down. told her no [we didn't think she could handle the work needed on the house,] anyway we got her up to 5,000 down,continued to tell her no, but she came all the way up to the asking price of 50,000, we had to sell it then, we thought it so odd that she looked only a little bit at the house, i did talk to her to tell her what needed to be done and we gave her extra time to pay first note. now she wants to sue us for deceptive trade practice, says the house needs too much work well duhh this is why we sold it. what should we do