Junior Member
I was accused of saying "i will get a gun and shoot every body in the clinic and kill my self". I spent 3 days in jail and post a bail. The case is still pending and they do not have any evidence that i said those words because i never say or said about gun or shoot or kill. This happened while i am calling a clinic in our area and I told to the first nurse that i have an 4 years old infected colon that i would like to make an appointment but not ever i said anything about gun, shoot or kill. i think she got mad at me because i was hurting bad that time and the way i speak was not mellow and she would like me to explain, about 10 minutes of explaining she put me on hold, other nurse answered i hang up withoutgiving me any appointment after all my explanation to the first nurse regarding my condition.
The second phone call i made, at the same day about 20 minute, i able to make an appointment for the following week from a 3rd receptionist in the same clinic. and after i hang up with this receptionist, within 3 minutes i have 3 policeman in front of my house and wanted me to come out and arrested me for felony/harrassment and put me to jail.
at the court they said some names that i do not even know who they are or who speak to me while making an appointment except they said that i said those words. but i did not or never said any words about gun or shoot or kill to any of those nurses.
What kind of lawsuit i can charge them.. can you help me? I do not have money and would like to file a "pro se".
Do i have to proved that i did not say those words when i make a lawsuit or civil suit against the clinic? who should i sue the nurse or clinic?
Can you help me what kind of chances do i have when i sue this people? because i never said anything about gun, shoot or kill and the police put me to jail for some reasoned.
Are nurses and practitoner's doctors or the clinic are protected by absolute privelege?
What happened is, one nurse told the other nurse and the practitioner's doctor called the police regarding what the first and second nurse told her.. Please find in your heart to help me eventhough by just your responsive e-mail.What is the name of your state? washington.What is the name of your state?
The second phone call i made, at the same day about 20 minute, i able to make an appointment for the following week from a 3rd receptionist in the same clinic. and after i hang up with this receptionist, within 3 minutes i have 3 policeman in front of my house and wanted me to come out and arrested me for felony/harrassment and put me to jail.
at the court they said some names that i do not even know who they are or who speak to me while making an appointment except they said that i said those words. but i did not or never said any words about gun or shoot or kill to any of those nurses.
What kind of lawsuit i can charge them.. can you help me? I do not have money and would like to file a "pro se".
Do i have to proved that i did not say those words when i make a lawsuit or civil suit against the clinic? who should i sue the nurse or clinic?
Can you help me what kind of chances do i have when i sue this people? because i never said anything about gun, shoot or kill and the police put me to jail for some reasoned.
Are nurses and practitoner's doctors or the clinic are protected by absolute privelege?
What happened is, one nurse told the other nurse and the practitioner's doctor called the police regarding what the first and second nurse told her.. Please find in your heart to help me eventhough by just your responsive e-mail.What is the name of your state? washington.What is the name of your state?