What is the name of your state? New Jersey
Hi All,
I was recently "served" papers but first of all the papers went to the wrong address and they were taped to the front door! Right there I think I should counter sue for invasion of privacy! The reason the person is suing is for defamation there is over 9 counts of different things. We had a home "Business" we were a video company that made videos for bands and demo reels and short stories. The person who is suing us is trying to not only sue us but anyone involved there are a total of 30 named individuals and Jane/John Does. All of what the person is saying is false, she states that she was video taped without her knowledge wich is not true that she was coehersed into showing up to make a video and audition. BTW (At the the time this happened we were 23 & 25 and the person in her early 40's) also stated we tried to get her intoxicated wich is not true she brought her own alcohol! The papers do not state a monetary amount and also the papers state we have 35 days from recieiving the papers but the date on the papers is FEB 16TH...and we just got them on March 16th. My point is can we counter sue and does this lady have a good case if we can prove that through emails she wanted to show up and knew she was being video taped becasue she is looking right into the camera and acting and hello there is a red record button on! Also the video we edited she says makes her look like a fool and she has lost acting jobs becasue of it and now she has lost wages! We gave rites to a distribution company to market and sell the video she is on and we gave them a release form she signed, she met with us on 2 seperate dates at her own will and expense. The distribution company is backing eveything up and we have not made any money on this film, no money for giving the rights to the company, no checks or cash have been recived from the distro. company and we are poor folk. Our "company" was more of a hobby then anything else. All of the filming we did was done at our own expense!
Thanks Alot
Hi All,
I was recently "served" papers but first of all the papers went to the wrong address and they were taped to the front door! Right there I think I should counter sue for invasion of privacy! The reason the person is suing is for defamation there is over 9 counts of different things. We had a home "Business" we were a video company that made videos for bands and demo reels and short stories. The person who is suing us is trying to not only sue us but anyone involved there are a total of 30 named individuals and Jane/John Does. All of what the person is saying is false, she states that she was video taped without her knowledge wich is not true that she was coehersed into showing up to make a video and audition. BTW (At the the time this happened we were 23 & 25 and the person in her early 40's) also stated we tried to get her intoxicated wich is not true she brought her own alcohol! The papers do not state a monetary amount and also the papers state we have 35 days from recieiving the papers but the date on the papers is FEB 16TH...and we just got them on March 16th. My point is can we counter sue and does this lady have a good case if we can prove that through emails she wanted to show up and knew she was being video taped becasue she is looking right into the camera and acting and hello there is a red record button on! Also the video we edited she says makes her look like a fool and she has lost acting jobs becasue of it and now she has lost wages! We gave rites to a distribution company to market and sell the video she is on and we gave them a release form she signed, she met with us on 2 seperate dates at her own will and expense. The distribution company is backing eveything up and we have not made any money on this film, no money for giving the rights to the company, no checks or cash have been recived from the distro. company and we are poor folk. Our "company" was more of a hobby then anything else. All of the filming we did was done at our own expense!
Thanks Alot