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Deleted Thread: An Ex Causing Problems

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Yesterday, 10:12 AM

Junior Member Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Hampton, Virginia
Posts: 16

An Ex Causing Problems
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Virginia

To start off I would like to thank anyone who reads this and gives advice. My fiancée and I are going through quite a big ordeal when it comes to her Ex-husband. I really don't know where to start, so here we go.

My name is Kyle and I am engaged to a lovely woman named Erin.

My fiancée and I meet 10 months ago and it was like meeting my soul mate, I haven't been happier. She has two wonderful children from her marriage before me. I was so scared that the kids wouldn't like me, but they do and I love them with all my heart. She is a stay at home mom while I am in the Navy she is trying to get as much school done for her degree. Now comes the not so wonderful part of the story... We decided for me to move in with her, that it would be better for everyone because I could provide her and the children with ample financial support. Everything was going fine until her Ex started problems. I was living with her and the children in her house that her and her Ex own. He didn't like the fact that I was living with what used to be his family. He cheated on her and moved out, in other words threw them in the trash. She never asked him for money or anything of that nature, just to be left alone. But he, being the coward that he is served her with court papers (stating that she was only with me for my money). She went through court and the court granted her child support and spousal support. But during all of this I moved out to make it a little easier. Now, my soon to be wife and I and the children live together in a great apartment and everything was going good, so we thought, yet again her Ex stepped in and said that he was going to take the kids away because she was co- habitating with me. They have a separation agreement draw up and it states that he can live as if a unmarried man and she can live as a single female. Now, to me that means that she can do what she wants with whom she wants, and I understand that it's not fair to the children to have different men coming and going, but I have been around for 10 months and I do not plan to go anywhere as we plan to be wed at the end of June. As I stated with live together in an apartment, both of our names are on the lease. He is now taking her to court because he states that I am an "over night guest of the opposite sex", now how on Earth can I be a guest if my name is on the lease? Does anyone have any ideas that we might be able to use? Also, he is a month late on his court ordered spousal support, can we use that against him? Thanks very much, if anyone needs more info, ask and I will fill in. Sorry if this is long or hard to read and understand I am very upset because of this and just need some help.

Thanks again,
Kyle and Erin

Yesterday, 10:33 AM

Senior Member Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 14,556

Well, to be perfectly honest it's best the mother of the children pull out her court order, create her own handle and ask her own questions so we can help her.

Like it or not, legally the ONLY thing you can do is move out before the wedding and wait till then. It would make things so much easier on mom and the kids.

Yesterday, 11:22 AM

Junior Member Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Hampton, Virginia
Posts: 16

Even though my name is only the lease and her separation agreement states she can live as if a single female? Thats makes no sense to me what so ever. And as for her needing to ask the questions? She was with me while I wrote that. So no she doesnt need to make a handle, I asked and had her read over everything, and this is a question about what I can do as well.

And again how is that the ONLY thing I can do, if my name is on the lease which is a legal contract.

And as far as making it easier on mom and the kids. I do not see how that would make it easier if I took my money that we use to pay the rent and bills as well as for the kids and she didn't have that money anymore. Not to mention that the kids do love me as if I am their dad and I love them just the same if not more. So how would me moving out make it easier on them? Try having a four year old look at you and ask why? Like she did anything wrong.

And also, her attorney told her and I to wait until after her separation agreement to be sign, which we did.
Last edited by HastingsFamily; Yesterday at 11:31 AM.

Yesterday, 11:31 AM

Senior Member Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Weigh a pie
Posts: 19,504

Originally Posted by HastingsFamily
Even though my name is only the lease and her separation agreement states she can live as if a single female? Thats makes no sense to me what so ever. And as for her needing to ask the questions? She was with me while I wrote that. So no she doesnt need to make a handle, I asked and had her read over everything, and this is a question about what I can do as well.

And again how is that the ONLY thing I can do, if my name is on the lease which is a legal contract.

Because your lease is absolutely meaningless in family court.

And yes, she really should get an account for herself.

She's also free to seek advice from a local attorney who will no doubt guide her further as to how the courts will view cohabitation in this situation.What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?

Yesterday, 11:32 AM

Senior Member Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Weigh a pie
Posts: 19,504

Originally Posted by HastingsFamily
Even though my name is only the lease and her separation agreement states she can live as if a single female? Thats makes no sense to me what so ever. And as for her needing to ask the questions? She was with me while I wrote that. So no she doesnt need to make a handle, I asked and had her read over everything, and this is a question about what I can do as well.

And again how is that the ONLY thing I can do, if my name is on the lease which is a legal contract.

And as far as making it easier on mom and the kids. I do not see how that would make it easier if I took my money that we use to pay the rent and bills as well as for the kids and she didn't have that money anymore. Not to mention that the kids do love me as if I am their dad and I love them just the same if not more. So how would me moving out make it easier on them? Try having a four year old look at you and ask why? Like she did anything wrong.

Oh that one's easy.

You're not Dad.

You're not going to be Dad.

You won't BE Dad unless you adopt them.

Seriously - you really need to step back. Read through older posts here. Learn about overstepping and about usurping the parent's role.

And trust me - I AM a stepparent. I know of what I speak.

Yesterday, 11:43 AM

Senior Member Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 14,556

So, in other words....mom isn't allowed to use the computer to ask her own questions?

I remember being in a relationship like that *shudder*

Yesterday, 11:44 AM

Junior Member Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Hampton, Virginia
Posts: 16

Oh high and mighty talking **** when I come here looking for help. I know I am not dad... Did I once say that I was dad? Its not even about that you absent minded troll. It's about what is best for the children, and that is living with me and the mother. Because I do set the kids about everything that I do. And I am also a father myself, so your stepparent role you are talking about has nothing over being a father. So before you go trolling and talking ****, just dont. No wonder this is "free", we will just talk to OUR attorney on this matter seeing as you are not. And please before telling her to get an attorney please read my post ALL the way through.

Yesterday, 11:46 AM

Junior Member Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Hampton, Virginia
Posts: 16

To be honest she can do whatever she wants, she was busy watching one of her TV shows, and I thought that I would just ask a simple question, then I turned to her seeing as she was laying one me, relaxing, to read what I post and she said yes thats fine. And before you even dare try to judge me, you should also know that I was homeless and lived in my truck for 3 weeks because of this and I don't want that to happen or have to try to explain to the kids where I am. Kthanks and sorry you picked a real winner in your past, hence why you are on here, eh?

Yesterday, 11:48 AM

Senior Member Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 14,556

Originally Posted by HastingsFamily
Oh high and mighty talking **** when I come here looking for help. I know I am not dad... Did I once say that I was dad? Its not even about that you absent minded troll. It's about what is best for the children, and that is living with me and the mother. Because I do set the kids about everything that I do. And I am also a father myself, so your stepparent role you are talking about has nothing over being a father. So before you go trolling and talking ****, just dont. No wonder this is "free", we will just talk to OUR attorney on this matter seeing as you are not. And please before telling her to get an attorney please read my post ALL the way through.

And THAT is a typical response of an overcontrolling soon to be spouse. Mom, you got your warning.
Yesterday, 11:51 AM

Senior Member Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 14,556

Originally Posted by HastingsFamily
To be honest she can do whatever she wants, she was busy watching one of her TV shows, and I thought that I would just ask a simple question, then I turned to her seeing as she was laying one me, relaxing, to read what I post and she said yes thats fine. And before you even dare try to judge me, you should also know that I was homeless and lived in my truck for 3 weeks because of this and I don't want that to happen or have to try to explain to the kids where I am. Kthanks and sorry you picked a real winner in your past, hence why you are on here, eh?

Um, your soon to be spouse seemed to have done the dame thing, huh? Difference? I learned from my mistake and I'm willing to teach and show others not to make the same mistakes.

Mom, when YOU want an answer, get your court order and I'll be willing to walk you through it.

Yesterday, 11:55 AM

Senior Member Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Weigh a pie
Posts: 19,504

Originally Posted by HastingsFamily
Oh high and mighty talking **** when I come here looking for help. I know I am not dad... Did I once say that I was dad? Its not even about that you absent minded troll. It's about what is best for the children, and that is living with me and the mother. Because I do set the kids about everything that I do. And I am also a father myself, so your stepparent role you are talking about has nothing over being a father. So before you go trolling and talking ****, just dont. No wonder this is "free", we will just talk to OUR attorney on this matter seeing as you are not. And please before telling her to get an attorney please read my post ALL the way through.

Oh, Mom will be here in a couple of years, don't worry.

She'll be wondering why her ex got full custody of the kids because for some reason he convinced the court that her current husband is guilty of alienating him from HIS kids.

Mom - get here, and we'll help.

Get your fiance a hobby. COD helps, apparently, with the aggression thing.

Yesterday, 12:00 PM

Junior Member Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Hampton, Virginia
Posts: 16

Mom here, this is ridiculous! I do not understand why any one is attacking and not being helpful at all. This is a question both of us have, and have had. No one is controlling anyone, my ex is a dick plain and simple. He moved out and in with his girlfriend, lived with her until I moved out and moved in with my fiancè, then he had a problem with it. So my fiance is not the problem here, and there is no "warning" needed. My kids and I love him very much and we have been through a lot together. All we want is for someone to help who may have gone through a similar situation. I have an attorney already we were just seeing if there was someone out there who may be able to offer up some advice that we could bring to the attention of my attorney that may be useful. What we are getting here is not being helpful at all. So unless there is something useful that is going to be said then don't say anything at all and please read the entire post and if you have constructive questions go ahead and ask and either of us will answer them.

Yesterday, 12:03 PM

Junior Member Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Hampton, Virginia
Posts: 16

Originally Posted by Proserpina
Oh, Mom will be here in a couple of years, don't worry.

She'll be wondering why her ex got full custody of the kids because for some reason he convinced the court that her current husband is guilty of alienating him from HIS kids.

Mom - get here, and we'll help.

Get your fiance a hobby. COD helps, apparently, with the aggression thing.
No one is alienating my ex from the kids except himself. We have been more than accommodating to my ex and he has done nothing but cause problems and the only reason he is causing problems is because he doesn't want to pay child support, that I didn't even ask for. So stop being judgy judgerson and don't ever say my kids will be taken away from me without knowing facts.

Yesterday, 12:10 PM

Senior Member Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Weigh a pie
Posts: 19,504

Originally Posted by HastingsFamily
Mom here, this is ridiculous! I do not understand why any one is attacking and not being helpful at all. This is a question both of us have, and have had. No one is controlling anyone, my ex is a dick plain and simple. He moved out and in with his girlfriend, lived with her until I moved out and moved in with my fiancè, then he had a problem with it. So my fiance is not the problem here, and there is no "warning" needed. My kids and I love him very much and we have been through a lot together. All we want is for someone to help who may have gone through a similar situation. I have an attorney already we were just seeing if there was someone out there who may be able to offer up some advice that we could bring to the attention of my attorney that may be useful. What we are getting here is not being helpful at all. So unless there is something useful that is going to be said then don't say anything at all and please read the entire post and if you have constructive questions go ahead and ask and either of us will answer them.

You have an attorney. Speak with your attorney.

My best advice to you - both of you actually, despite your fiance's rudeness and your insulting reference to the father of your children - is to read through some old posts here.

You'll learn a lot. An awful lot. You'll see how parents with overstepping new spouses DO lose custody. And you'll also learn that this isn't a support group. Court is not a support group either, and if you think this board is tough you're in for a very long and tough road ahead of you.

Consider us practice

And you will hopefully learn to drop the attitude, too.
Yesterday, 12:26 PM

Junior Member Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Hampton, Virginia
Posts: 16

Originally Posted by Proserpina
You have an attorney. Speak with your attorney.

My best advice to you - both of you actually, despite your fiance's rudeness and your insulting reference to the father of your children - is to read through some old posts here.

You'll learn a lot. An awful lot. You'll see how parents with overstepping new spouses DO lose custody. And you'll also learn that this isn't a support group. Court is not a support group either, and if you think this board is tough you're in for a very long and tough road ahead of you.

Consider us practice

And you will hopefully learn to drop the attitude, too.

The insulting reference is much warranted, when he threw myself and the children out like trash, so excuse me if I do not think highly of someone who can treat his "family" that way. As for overstepping, no one is, my fiance stays out of the whole thing, until he is dragged into court for no reason. No one was looking for a support group and I do not have an attitude. I gave my ex everything he wanted and walked away from everything (except my kids which I will NOT do) so he would leave me alone. As for wanting a support group, I don't need one of those there is therapists for that, and it is not my first rodeo in court. This will be the 4th time he has dragged us into court because he is not happy with the life choices he made.

Also having an opinion and being outspoken isn't always having an attitude, and when provoked an attitude is sometimes warranted.

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