Kelly Burr
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Nevada My husband, due to an accident, is permanently disabled, and will never return to work. We have a vehicle that is registered to us both, but because of past due child support, CSE of Texas has put a lein on it. How will that affect me, the spouse? Also, the county that we live in has suspended his drivers license. Without the license, he cannot get to his Dr. appts, lab appts., etc. How might we get that back. His ex wife has hired CSE of Dallas Texas to collect on this case. What are their legal boundries? Also, the ex wife did not go after back child support, even though she was living with him(post divorce), until the children were in their 30's....Is there any statute of limitations in these cases? Any help would be gratefully accepted, as we have been dealing with this since 1998. When he was working, he had been paying the back support, but since the accident, he is only receiving SSI. That was in 2003. Thanx, Kelly