JUNE 7, 2001
You did the right thing by letting the Register Of Wills know about this situation so perhaps they can keep an eye out for this estate to double-check to see if things are being done properly.
It is very unprofessional of the attorney to not respond to your phone calls to keep you informed about what is going on. In fairness to him, it may take a little while longer (no more than 2 weeks) to get the estate affairs in order before the distribution is made. If you haven't heard from him by phone or by mail within the next 3-4 weeks, then hire your own attorney (or use an inexpensive one from a prepaid legal service) to contact this attorney by mail, as he will be more likely to respond to an official certified letter from an attorney.
You also might need the services of an attorney to officially petition the court to reopen the estate to make the distribution officially recorded.
[email protected]