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Discover Card filing suits

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What is the name of your state?What is the name of your state? MN

I have read in many different forums that Discover will sue for pretty much anything. I owe over 2K so I figure that they probably will. Do they wait to charge it off and the sue, or do they do it sooner. I am going to file BK and want to know what sort of timeline I may have. I just quit paying this month, BTW.



My experience, I havent paid on my discover card in over four years. The third collection agency threatens to sue, however, I am waiting on my validation letter response from them.


Senior Member
kopes said:
I just quit paying this month, BTW.
Of course they can sue at any time they want, but will usually spend a few months trying to collect the debt rather than spend the extra cost/time of a suit. However, I have seen where they have 'bundled' new debt with old and filed in 'bulk'. In other words, there is no way to tell how aggressive they might be with your debt.

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