I was common law married in Ohio in 1981. We had a child a year prior to that. We lived a man and wife. My income tax was withheld one year for his back child support from his previous marriage. We purchased a home from FHA financing as husband and wife. We left Ohio in 1990 and moved to NC where we lived for 1 1/2 years. We then moved to SC for 4 years. We moved back to NC until my husband was arrested and sent to prison in 1998. We always lived and introduced ourselves as man and wife.I had changed my last name to his in 1981. Now I live in Florida and want a divorce. No one can tell me if the marriage is legal. The court house told me I needed to find out if I can file for a self divorce in Florida. They say Fl doen't recognize common law marriages. My husband is in prison in Fl. now as of June 6th, 2001. THe family councelor says I may have to file for divorce in Ohio. But Ohio requires you to be a resident for 6 months prior to filing, and we want to make sure my marriage is legal and binding. But I can't afford to move back to Ohio to get a divorce besides I don't want to move back there. Maybe all I need to do is legally change my name. Can you answer this for me?