Lois Beck
married 25 years, husband adopated my two childred from other marrage, and we have one between us. All childred grown and out of house. I have filed for divorce, mainly cause husband has never respected my opions, or would listen when I tried to explain to him the difference he does between the kids. Now the oldest son is living in the same town as my husband, and youngest son. Oldest wont come to visit anymore cause it so ovious the difference between dad, and both boys. This has caused a huge fight, and husband, wont even try and understand. I have filed for a divorce, cause we cant even talk to each other civil. Our marriage has always been his way, he is very controlling, and I haven't been all that happy. But 25 years and were both in our 50s, I dont know if its the smartest thing to do. Husband does not want divorce, but always says that when things get bad. moved out three months, he promised things would be different, but back to the same. Would it be wiser to do a legal separation rather than divorce, cause of all we own and have together. I need to know how legal separation works, and what difference between divorce. Want to work things out. but I know it could take a year or so. Please give me some advise. Thankyou.