Going through a divorce in MA and live in Las Vegas. Been seperated since Dec/99. Have two kids back in MA, ages 14 and 20. Was married for 20 years and left for another women which I am very happy. Pay $400.00 per week in child support. Ex is very bitter and we have not talked in 9 months. She did not work last 7 years of our marriage and was very lazy and put all the burdone on me. We sold our house and have assets tied up in a joint escrow account set up by our lawyers. I also have 401k. I have agreed to a 50/50 split on all. She wants allot more. Both our lawyers are dragging our feet and we both have spent over $9000 in lawyers fees. All necessary MA paperwork have been filled out. What can I do personally to pull this into court and have the judge decide on settlement?
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