I messed it up!
Idaho. I got married at 20 and the day before our first year anniversary he showed signs that he'd be abusive. Having been there done that with my childhood, I got out ASAP and told him I wanted a divorce. However he refuses to sign any papers and it's pricey to get a divorce here. That year they simply denied giving me papers and told me to work it out. So I waited a year and got papers. Those are now long expired and the price has gone up 3 times the amount! I haven't even seen this guy in years, I am now 29. I moved on with my life cuz I got tired of not knowing where to start the divorce and I get overwhelmed when i go to the court house because there are so many steps, which I'd be willing to take if it weren't so expensive. If anyone knows where I can go for a decent priced divorce I'd love to hear it. We have no property to fight over, no belongings, and no children together. I'm tired of carrying his name, when I have moved on. I was naive getting married that young not knowing all the legal things, and still don't. It'd be much cheaper if I just had a legal name change, but to the state I'd still be married.. Anyone have any friendly advice? Please be kind, I'm aware of my mistakes and i won't be repeating them.