No creditor will abuse you there in front of the trustee. They're on their best behavior. They will merely ask questions.
Usually no creditors show up, but the ones who do are:
1. Secured creditors (such as a creditor who has the loan on your car) who haven't been paid for a few months and are concerned that you're continuing to drive the vehicle without paying for it. They'll ask what condition the vehicle is in, whether the insurance is current and whether you intend to get caught up on the payments and reaffirm that debt or whether you intend to surrender the vehicle).
2. With Sears. Their reps are a fixture at the 341 meetings, though, at least in Indiana, they usually don't question the debtors, just hang out in the hallway, trying to get folks to reaffirm their Sears debts.
Hope this helps ease your worries.