Junior Member
What is the name of your state? Florida. Not sure where to start, this might be a bit long. During my pregnancy I had an array of problems, none that would make it a high risk pregnancy, since the baby was fine, but just little problems all around. infections, and pain, and such. Well, nearing the end of my pregnancy my doctor suspected that my pelvic bone could be breaking. At that point I asked about a c-section. I am a small girl, small hips and all. 4'10, and 84 lbs before pregnancy. I knew I would tear, and still he refused a c-section. Even when I was endanger of my pelvic bone breaking he still refused. All through the pregnancy I had back pain, and migraines, and then pelvic pain and he did nothing to ease the pains other than saying to take tylenol. (which I did religiously to no avail) Finally it was getting near time to have the baby. a few days before my due date, I was having more extreme pain. I called him up and he said go to the hospital for some sleep meds. So I go, last thing they do before going to discharge me was check to see if I was dialated. was only at 2. Normally they would send you home, especially if you arent having contractions, and no sign of water breaking. Instead he decided to induce me. I found out later that night after I was admitted, that he was going on vacation that weekend. He decided to start pitocen at around 9 or 10, but then right before they started it, he decided to wait till the next day. I stayed in the hospital that night for nothing. Ok, so the next day I'm having the baby, he came in at 6 to break my water, and left the hospital for the day, he ended up coming back about 30 minutes before the baby was born. got in the room after 15 minutes of pushing, and after 15 more I tear, all the way through. 4th degree laceration. spent an hour stitching me up and, I was the last one to hold my baby. After I get put into a room they steadily refuse me pain medications, said my doctor didnt leave an order for them, said I didnt need them. I AM NOT A JUNKIE. why would you refuse someone who couldnt even sit down because of the pain, medication when it was your fault to begin with!?!?! next day rolls around, he comes in tells me he's prescribed a few things for blood loss, and says he's leaving for his vacation. Get home from hospital a few days later.. in so much pain I'm crying. cant move, cant think, DEFINATELY cant take care of the baby in this state. Call up his office says he's still gone. So I talk to my temporary doctor, and he right away calls in a presciption for pain. says he has no idea why my doctor did that. Time comes for my first doctor visit back, and he doesnt warn me a bit about the side effects of his chosen birth control for me, even when I asked. I had my period for 2 months. I got a little infection a little after that too, and the meds he prescribed said i couldnt breastfeed, and he knew i was having problems breastfeeding to begin with. So I ended up stopping that. Which I feel horrible about. 6 week appointment goes by, and I'm telling him about how i still have my period, he said to give it time. i havent gone back, not even for my next dose of birth control.
Is there a case anywhere in there? I definately didnt feel like he had my best interests in mind. Okay I think that is it..
Is there a case anywhere in there? I definately didnt feel like he had my best interests in mind. Okay I think that is it..