What is the name of your state?new york
my soon to be ex wife had a garage sale over the summer in which some of belongings were being sold. the signs which she put up all over my neighborhood read " dead beat dad garage sale..everything must go" consequently this is the same neighborhood in which i grew up in. i have lived there for over 30 years. all of my child support was and still is being paid. i took down all the signs and still have themdo i have a case? she has done other things at my place of employment to cause me much embarrassment.
my soon to be ex wife had a garage sale over the summer in which some of belongings were being sold. the signs which she put up all over my neighborhood read " dead beat dad garage sale..everything must go" consequently this is the same neighborhood in which i grew up in. i have lived there for over 30 years. all of my child support was and still is being paid. i took down all the signs and still have themdo i have a case? she has done other things at my place of employment to cause me much embarrassment.