I am a city of Hartford, Ct. fireman with a vested intrest in the pension fund and a 408 derferred comp plan. My wife is a section 8 reciepient who doesn't work and recieves SSI. We have 3 kids 19,16,11, who have been living with me since I bought my newly constructed home in August. the house has no equity and we have no other asets. I filed for divorce in January 2005. I am doing it Pro-SE and she has a legal aid lawyer. I used to pay all the household bills before filing and have continued to do so up to this point. I didn't anticipate the divorce taking this long and can't afford to pay her bills anymore. my question is because of the automatic orders do I still have to pay her bills. And if so what if her bills; rent,elec,water,ect... cost more than the bills for me and the kids.