In Oct.04 my husband went to a ear/nose/throat specialist with a cyst inside his ear, DR said no problem a couple hour surgery you'll be good. After a 4 hour surgery the Dr came out and told me he had problems, and wasn't sure if he got it all. He ended up witha staph infection, which ate part of interior of his ear, after several bouts with antibiotics including 2 sets of I.V. treatments, the Dr. never took a culture, just kept giving different antibiotics. The lump kept coming back with serious pain. This lasted off and on until about March of 05. then it seemed to clear up for acouple of months, and once again the lump was back, DR said don't worry, here's more antibiotics. Now we're into NOV. 05, went to hospital, lump was huge and extending outside ear, they called DR, he said more antibiotics, pain medicine don't worry, come in if it gets bigger. It got bigger, he finally pulled a culture, found nothing. Again don't worry, take more antibiotics. Several calls and visits later, he calls for an MRI. Once he gets the results, he calls and says you can come in or I can refer you to a specialist. We go to a specialist, and he says you have a rare cyst, formed by a birth defect. We need to do surgery, unless you want to deal all your life with it. Now the new DR. says because of scar tissue, we may lose more of ear, part of bone behind ear and more time off work. Do we have a case, or is this just a lost cause?