I have recently received a cease and desist for trademark violation on a domain and website that I currently operate on my free time.
I have changed the on-line meaning and content to better fill the requests and currently I am thinking that changing the content is not enough
but they are unhappy with me using the domain name itself. I really don't want to release the domain name, but I am not familiar with law and would
like some free consultation on this matter if you could provide it for me.
The date they want me to comply is November 10th, 2000 and its coming around the corner quickly, if you could contact me at this email
or my home email @ [email protected] soon I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank You
Jason Lee
I have changed the on-line meaning and content to better fill the requests and currently I am thinking that changing the content is not enough
but they are unhappy with me using the domain name itself. I really don't want to release the domain name, but I am not familiar with law and would
like some free consultation on this matter if you could provide it for me.
The date they want me to comply is November 10th, 2000 and its coming around the corner quickly, if you could contact me at this email
or my home email @ [email protected] soon I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank You
Jason Lee