My granddaughter lived with a control freak. He needed to know where she was every hour of the day and had her to purchase phones with walkie-talkies so he could do so. He would take the car seat to work so she couldn't use the car and take the cord to the TV so she couldn't watch TV. We were not aware these things were happining. To make a long story short, he would come to her house and tell us how abusive she was and he was very charming and we believed him until after the last court appearance he was laughing and telling me how he had hit himself and blamed it on her and she was given a 10 day jail sentence and a fine. Last Saturday he came to my house and claimed she had hit him with a beer bottle and she required stitches and filed domestic violance charge against her and we had to bail her out of jail. She said she did not hit him and claims she saw him sniffing some sort of drugs and then accused her of this crime. He has a record a mile long and she has none. She has a one year old and is five months pregnant with his child which he claims he will get because she is a "batterer". She lives in Ohio and connot afford an attorney. Is there any help for her. She did not hit this man, I am certain.