<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face=" Arial, Verdana, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by woofpup:
Injured in auto accident last year. Sought treatment for soft tissue injuries from Chiropractor in California. Settled case myself this July. Yesterday, Chiropractor tells me he made a billing "error". His computer showed he billed my auto insurance for treatments received November of last year. The bills, however, never got sent, so he says he is owed $1800. My medical coverage is already used up - would not have sought treatment after meds gone. Was unaware of this at settlement, so evidently I lowballed myself from the beginning. Am I responsible for Chiropractor's billing error? Help!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
My response:
No, you're not. Tell him "I relied on your billing, to my detriment, and settled my claim based upon your original billing. It is not my fault that your computer was in error. You gave me an amount and I paid you your amount".
Let him sue you. Use "detrimental reliance", "estoppel", and "Laches" (pronounced "Laa cheese") as your defenses.
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