helpful fiance
my fiance has two dui offeses, one in jan of 1998 and the 2nd in october of 99. his license was suspened for 1 year in october of 1999. he has recently completed is substance abuse program and the coordinator has summitted his discharge plan. on may 27, 2001, he was stopped at a seatbelt checkpoint and arrested for driving on a dui suspended license, first offense, improper tag, and no insurance. the officer told him if we would get the vehicle licensed and insured the judge would throw out the insurance issue. shouldn't the charge be no license because his suspension time was up and he had not received them back yet upon completion of the program. he still had his actual driver's license; the court did not take them. would it work if we licensed and registered the vehicle in my name since we are getting married in a few weeks anyway? please help me. he has worked so hard to get his life straightened out. he was not drinking at the time of the roadblock. he only went in the old farmtruck to get fencing materials for the 7 acres we just bought because i can not drive the truck, it's a stick. any help would be appreciated.