I live in Pennsylvania. Here is the story. I had a suspended license for over a year. A few months ago, I applied and got an Occupational Privelage License. (OLL). It was my day off and I Passed the cop in the opposite direction. Evidently, the cop turned around. By the time he caught up to me, I was already in the other town jurisdiction. To give you a better picture, it was 1:40 am, rainy and foggy, and he "identified" my vehicle in the rain and fog during pitch black nite. On the written warning card he wrote "Speeding/Seat Belt". Now, how can he get a speed going the opposite direction at 1:40 in the morning? The real reason he pulled me over was because he thought that I didnt have a license. But what he didnt realize was that I actually did have work license. Now it was my day off and I was not supposed to be driving, but how did he know that? Did he know that it was my day off, and for that matter, did he even know that I had a work license, or was he assuming that I didnt have a license? In that event, can his probable cause be argued? And to put the icing on the cake he put the wrong plate number down on the citation. My plate is FBFXXXX and he wrote "EBFXXXX". Could that be a cause for having the ticket having to be re-filed again? While the officer was catching up to me, he DID lose sight of my vehicle for over 2 1/2 miles and he couldnt have possibly seen me driving that time of the night. Anyone have any suggestions? Could an attorney have a good case with this?