I broke my left foot and have been prescribed lyrica, norco, and percocets for pain. I have never abused these meds but got a DUI when I got pulled over at 3 in the morning and the cop discovered the scripts when I was looking for my id in my purse. He also said I had dilated pupils. I take 2 lyrica daily (for nerve damage in my foot) and maybe one or 2 norco 5's a day as needed for pain. My script says I can take 1to 2 every 4 to 6 hrs as needed for pain. I had taken 2 the whole day. The cop gave me a urine test. My question is, can this DUI stick if I wasn't abusing the medication?
I broke my left foot and have been prescribed lyrica, norco, and percocets for pain. I have never abused these meds but got a DUI when I got pulled over at 3 in the morning and the cop discovered the scripts when I was looking for my id in my purse. He also said I had dilated pupils. I take 2 lyrica daily (for nerve damage in my foot) and maybe one or 2 norco 5's a day as needed for pain. My script says I can take 1to 2 every 4 to 6 hrs as needed for pain. I had taken 2 the whole day. The cop gave me a urine test. My question is, can this DUI stick if I wasn't abusing the medication?