A friend of mine just recently got his license back and is driving after being convicted of his first DUI in Illinois. He lost his license for over a year and did some community service plus attended classes/treatment as required by the judge. He also suffers from OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)which he is currently seeking treatment for. Washes hands obsessively, counts, etc., a mental disease just recently brought to light in this day and age.
The problem is is that he's reluctant to drive anywhere now. He's quit drinking all together but still worries about getting another DUI. He's even reluctant to use any alcohol ingredient product (mouthwash, cough syrup for example) that might show up on a BAC measurement device. He believes that when he was convicted of DUI, the government installed blood/alcohol recording devices in his vehicle that constantly monitor the BAC of the driver of his vehicle and reports that information to government officials in case any BAC measurement is recorded. In his mind, if he has any alcohol in his system (real or imaginary), this device in the vehicle will record it (acknowledge who is driving the vehicle and the vehicle's location) and forward to authorities consequently resulting in further legal problems for him whether or not it's over the legal limit (.08). I've tried to reason with him, telling him that his "magic thinking" has no legal basis, but I always seem to loose the argument.
I know this is not an important post to most of you, but it would mean the world to me if I could show my friend that BAC devices are not installed in his vehicle and are not recording his every move. It violates his constitution right to privacy and unlawful search and seizure. It might also be helpful to show him a list of possible scenerios why someone is arrested for DUI. For example, driving infraction stop by officer, collision etc. where there is probable cause to detain and officially test for BAC.
I know this all sounds quite "government conspiracy", but it would really help plead my case to my friend and show him that he needs to get on with his life and not let "magic thinking" continue to control his day-to-day actions.
Thank you.
The problem is is that he's reluctant to drive anywhere now. He's quit drinking all together but still worries about getting another DUI. He's even reluctant to use any alcohol ingredient product (mouthwash, cough syrup for example) that might show up on a BAC measurement device. He believes that when he was convicted of DUI, the government installed blood/alcohol recording devices in his vehicle that constantly monitor the BAC of the driver of his vehicle and reports that information to government officials in case any BAC measurement is recorded. In his mind, if he has any alcohol in his system (real or imaginary), this device in the vehicle will record it (acknowledge who is driving the vehicle and the vehicle's location) and forward to authorities consequently resulting in further legal problems for him whether or not it's over the legal limit (.08). I've tried to reason with him, telling him that his "magic thinking" has no legal basis, but I always seem to loose the argument.
I know this is not an important post to most of you, but it would mean the world to me if I could show my friend that BAC devices are not installed in his vehicle and are not recording his every move. It violates his constitution right to privacy and unlawful search and seizure. It might also be helpful to show him a list of possible scenerios why someone is arrested for DUI. For example, driving infraction stop by officer, collision etc. where there is probable cause to detain and officially test for BAC.
I know this all sounds quite "government conspiracy", but it would really help plead my case to my friend and show him that he needs to get on with his life and not let "magic thinking" continue to control his day-to-day actions.
Thank you.