I came across a mention of this web-based application while doing some reading. With the number of posts we see here about fights over dividing personal property, I thought that it was interesting that someone felt that there was a business opportunity. I wonder if there is enough demand for this that they will still be around in 6 months.
Since this is not a free application, I will remove the name and not include the URL.
Since this is not a free application, I will remove the name and not include the URL.
(That "...fun way for the family to bond together..." is over the top.)***** is a new completely online application that conducts a family auction for the purpose of allowing family members to *** [distribute] a loved one’s personal estate. Baby Boomers are at the point in their lives where their parent(s), are unfortunately going to pass away. Although this is the natural course of life, it can be a painful time.
While this new milestone for Baby Boomers is a point of significant loss, it has also proven to be a stressful time where in-fighting can occur among siblings [aka Squibblings and/or Greedlings] over the prized personal possessions left behind. Family members who once shared rooms, laughter and dreams can end up enemies while fighting over a watch or a chair that once belonged to mom or dad ....
***** provides families with a vehicle to identify those most prized possessions that are desired by the children and a platform where each family member can equally bid on coveted items. What was once a great source of tension can now be a source of healthy interaction as family members witness and participate in the bidding process.
Using this on-line auction (similar to eBay), family members can easily determine who should get a parent’s personal items by allowing family members to bid on them in a unique auction platform. The process is completely equitable and can even be a fun way for the family to bond together during their time of loss.....