I have sold hundreds of knives on eBay without any problems. I am a knife collector and buy through a couple of wholesale companies. I take what I want for my collection and sell the rest. Of course, you are not planning to sell illegal knives. eBay will shut you down pretty quick if you do. Besides swithblades, this also includes spring assisted knives that are skirting the gray area of being legal. As the seller, you are ultimately responsible for the knife, not a drop shipper, if that becomes an issue.
As a help to you, I can also tell you what will and won't sell. Will sell: old and vintage, especially hand made, quality brand name knives with at least 25% off the regular retail prices, matching sets, better with a display case, cheap Chinese crap sold in bulk at really low prices. What won't sell: Later model (50's through the 80's) brand name knives in poor condition, anything with rust, swords of any length, novelty knives, cheap Chinese crap sold individually, knives branded for another product (Jeep and Dodge are the most common), anything Dale Earnhardt and anything with wolves, eagles, bison, deer, elk, moose, or other animals. Also avoid the southern guys on TV, anything they sell will flood eBay within a few days. This includes the brand name stuff they sell.