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I have been shut down by ebay for selling Fox studio movie posters. Currently this seems to be the only studio that has issues with posters of their films being sold.
I sent a mail to the Intellectual Properties department at Fox and this was their response..
"Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and its subsidiary and/or related companies ("Fox") are the owners or co-owners of many copyright, trademark, merchandising, distribution, and/or other intellectual property rights in and to many famous works including, but not limited to, the motion picture, "xyz." In order to protect these rights from unauthorized use, Fox includes the following standard language on its promotional items:
Property of Fox. Promotional use only. Sale, duplication, or other transfer of material is strictly prohibited.
The sole purpose of Fox's distribution of promotional items, such as movie posters is to notify members of the public and media of our intended release of our motion picture. All other use is strictly prohibited.
We trust that this explanation has made clear Fox's position with respect to the unacceptable use of its proprietary materials by third parties. "
Now the big question, any way around this ?
It seems to me that since Fox is charging the theaters for use of the posters, that the first-sale doctrine exception to the US Copyright Act would allow sales of the posters once they are in the hands of the theaters.
I have been shut down by ebay for selling Fox studio movie posters. Currently this seems to be the only studio that has issues with posters of their films being sold.
I sent a mail to the Intellectual Properties department at Fox and this was their response..
"Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and its subsidiary and/or related companies ("Fox") are the owners or co-owners of many copyright, trademark, merchandising, distribution, and/or other intellectual property rights in and to many famous works including, but not limited to, the motion picture, "xyz." In order to protect these rights from unauthorized use, Fox includes the following standard language on its promotional items:
Property of Fox. Promotional use only. Sale, duplication, or other transfer of material is strictly prohibited.
The sole purpose of Fox's distribution of promotional items, such as movie posters is to notify members of the public and media of our intended release of our motion picture. All other use is strictly prohibited.
We trust that this explanation has made clear Fox's position with respect to the unacceptable use of its proprietary materials by third parties. "
Now the big question, any way around this ?
It seems to me that since Fox is charging the theaters for use of the posters, that the first-sale doctrine exception to the US Copyright Act would allow sales of the posters once they are in the hands of the theaters.