What is the name of your state?NC
I'm currently in the court proceedings after getting pulled over for my first DUI back in October. I blew a .10 at the station about 3am. Long story short, over the course of a 6 hour night (8pm-2am) I drank the equivilant of 7 twelve ounce beers. I'm a 310 pound male. How did I blow such a high number???? My question is, I hadn't eaten ANYTHING since 8am the morning before the night in question, and I chewed on the same 2 pieces of Dentyne Ice gum from about 9pm or 10pm until about 30 seconds before I used the BAC machine at the police station. Would either(or both) of these cause my BAC number to be higher than it really was? Is there any way to use these facts in my defense against the DUI charge?
I'm currently in the court proceedings after getting pulled over for my first DUI back in October. I blew a .10 at the station about 3am. Long story short, over the course of a 6 hour night (8pm-2am) I drank the equivilant of 7 twelve ounce beers. I'm a 310 pound male. How did I blow such a high number???? My question is, I hadn't eaten ANYTHING since 8am the morning before the night in question, and I chewed on the same 2 pieces of Dentyne Ice gum from about 9pm or 10pm until about 30 seconds before I used the BAC machine at the police station. Would either(or both) of these cause my BAC number to be higher than it really was? Is there any way to use these facts in my defense against the DUI charge?