my mother is 81 years old she has a heart of gold and is very trusting. about 5 years ago she went to spokane, wash. with her son where he wined and dined her and then took her to a mortgage company and talked her into signing paperss which he said were for a small business loan. she does not understand any business jargon and did sign the papers. this yearr we found out he remortgaged her home and has now filed some kind of chapter 13 bankruptcy on his business and has not paid any of his debt so the bank is demanding her home. when confronted with it he sayss it is a misttake. but the bank put it in the paper and gave her notice to be out by july 10 of this year. she does not have money to pursue legal advise and lives on fixed income. the bank will not take payments. she has to pay the 56,000 he took out on her home. she only owes aaround 2000 to pay off her 1st mortgage. her kids are not in financial position to help her and she has a retarded daughter who lives with her also. this was her inheritance. what can we do? he tricked her and now she is loosing her home. how can a son do this to his mother.please help.
my mother is 81 years old she has a heart of gold and is very trusting. about 5 years ago she went to spokane, wash. with her son where he wined and dined her and then took her to a mortgage company and talked her into signing paperss which he said were for a small business loan. she does not understand any business jargon and did sign the papers. this yearr we found out he remortgaged her home and has now filed some kind of chapter 13 bankruptcy on his business and has not paid any of his debt so the bank is demanding her home. when confronted with it he sayss it is a misttake. but the bank put it in the paper and gave her notice to be out by july 10 of this year. she does not have money to pursue legal advise and lives on fixed income. the bank will not take payments. she has to pay the 56,000 he took out on her home. she only owes aaround 2000 to pay off her 1st mortgage. her kids are not in financial position to help her and she has a retarded daughter who lives with her also. this was her inheritance. what can we do? he tricked her and now she is loosing her home. how can a son do this to his mother.please help.