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Entiled to vacation payout?

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state?What is the name of your state?What is the name of your state? California

I worked at this company for 3 ½ months as a temporary fulltime employee. According to the offer letter I was not entitled to any company sponsored benefits except those mandatory by State or Federal law. On my last day I was told by Payroll that I had accumulated 35 hours of vacation. She told me that this was due to an error on their part, but since it was already documented as accrued vacation on my pay stub I was entitled to a vacation payout. At the time I was told that I would not be paid for the accrued vacation until I returned a month later, (since they asked me if I could come back to help them out again in about a month). I agreed. A month later I talked with the controller and he said that they would not be paying me for the accrued vacation since I was not entitled to any company sponsored benefits which is true. Even though it was an error on their part(also documented) am I still entitled to this compensation?

Thanks in advance.


Senior Member
Just because there was a system or calculation error accruing vacation doesn't mean that you were legally entitled to it, since your temporary classification was not eligible according to company policy. The payroll person was wrong in stating that the fact that an error was made effectively made you eligible for vacation. Sorry.

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