<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by entwive:
Thanks again homeguru! That is the first good laugh I have had in a while. I would not be writing in this forum if I could find an attorney willing to take on these small cases that I have posted. Many people find it hard to believe that these things have all happened in the past 8 months. So, how do I find an attorney? I have spoken to several and the interest in representing me is non-existent. Any suggestions that you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I am glad that you found the perky humor and got a good laugh. The reason that you have not found and attorney is that your particular cases are all considered minor in nature with little value. Like small cups of decaf in a super grande espresso world. Wake up and smell the coffee. I have an idea. Excuse me, I've got to take a sip of my Kona Coffee Blend.........oh that morning brew.
Ok, I'm back. actually I was drinking Green Tea. My idea for you is to find a good general business attorney sort of like a General Practioner MD. This attorney can be on retainer and be your Legal Guy/Gal and handle all your cases. The cases in aggregate may be something, but individually eh, nothing to write home about. Flash the retainer check. Money talks and coffee that tastes like mud walks. Your GP attorney should be able to handle all these cases for you.
Until then sing a few bars of Java JIve. Ready, 1,2,3, hit it.....I love coffee, I love tea,...................
Take care, Joe Cuppa.
[This message has been edited by HomeGuru (edited August 05, 2000).]